
Dwayne, originally from Memphis, TN, is an artist, filmmaker, and writer living in Baltimore. He received his MFA from the Memphis College of Art in 2008. While at MCA, he developed a deep interest in the integration of Digital Media expression with traditional art forms. His work wittily comments on his life as a citizen of the American South, often around issues of gender identity. His work has increasingly been shown internationally with exhibitions in the last two years in locations such as Belfast, Northern Ireland, Chongqing, China, Paris France, Berlin, Germany, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, New York City and Los Angeles. He has been featured in articles focusing on his work and community art projects for the New York Times, Hyperallergic, Artsy, Art21, and Big, Red and Shiny. He is also a contributing writer for 

When Dwayne is not working on all of the above things, he enjoys watching short animations and experimental films. He is one of the world’s greatest Risk players and has won awards for his chicken wings.  Dwayne also spends a lot of time with his wife taking pictures of their two worthless cats. 

Click the link to see more of his work.