2023 Hallowzine

Observe and admire this year’s submissions to the annual Hallowzine, presented by the ghosts, ghouls, and goblins here at commonvision.

Here you will find the spookiest artworks and literature that 2023 has to offer, still and animated!

Hallowzine 2023 still image submissions compilation.

Halloween Night

By Eli Kawecki

T’was Halloween night

Throughout the whole town

There were goblins, witches

And ghosts all around.

Out in the neighborhood

Many lights flicker

And smiling jack o lanterns

I’m sure I heard snicker

I heard a loud knock

And rose to my feet

I opened my door

And heard “trick or treat!”

Children in costumes

With pillow cases

Expecting some candy

To stuff in their faces

I made a small smile

And held out my bowl

With fast moving hands

Trying to get to their goal

And when they were done

They said “thank you sir”

Then walked down my path

While talking in whisper

As soon as they were gone

I looked at the sky

And saw the full moon

Way up so high

Out in the distance

I heard a wolf howl

And a loud screech

From the wise old owl

Up in the sky

I saw an old witch

Cackling on her broom

In a very high pitch

Out in the cemetery

I saw a big fire

With dancing skeletons

Making it higher

Ghosts came down

And filled up the air

And made loud wails

As if in despair

Zombies came up

From out of the grave

Put their hands up

And begin to wave

It was a party

For all of the spooks

For vampires, werewolves

And crazy old kooks

Everyone was cheering

It was quite a sight

It went on and on

Throughout the whole night

Soon the sun rose

And everyone was gone

The night was over,

It was now dawn

All ghosts and witches

Had flown away

All zombies returned

To their graves to stay

And as the sun rose

I swear I could’ve seen

A tiny little ghost yell